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Infanata » CIDEB » ¡UNO, DOS Y: TRES! ¡QUE FáCIL! 3 (+ AUDIO CD)


¡Uno, dos y: tres! ¡Que fácil! 3 (+ Audio CD) Название: ¡Uno, dos y: tres! ¡Que fácil! 3 (+ Audio CD)
Издательство:  CIDEB
«¡Uno, dos y... tres! ¡Qué fácil!» is a three-volume course which takes students to level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference. The course stands out for its emphasis on the active involvement of the students, who are introduced to studying Spanish through topics which they can relate to, such as, school life, the family, holidays and free time. The communicative approach and the balance between the four skills makes learning easy and motivating. «¡Uno, dos y... tres! ¡Qué fácil!» has a simple layout. It follows a progressive approach and has a balance between exercises which present and consolidate grammar and those which are more fun. The level of the texts is graded by age, in terms of the topics dealt with, and by the parameters set out in the Common European Framework of Reference. «¡Uno, dos y... tres! ¡Qué fácil!» offers an innovative method aimed at immediate familiarisation with the phonetic aspects of the Spanish language. Great emphasis is placed on vocabulary, on the typical day-to-day language of teenagers and on specific expressions for correct communication in class. VOLUME 3 The third volume differs from the first two in the emphasis on spelling in the section ¿Cómo se escribe? and L de Léxico. Furthermore, the volume ends with a literature section called Lecturas, dedicated to the culture of the Hispanic world. In this section the topics range from history to linguistics and from science to music, using an interdisiplinary approach (CLIL). The listening exercises and the texts in Lecturas which are recorded, are on the audio CD, which accompanies the third volume.»

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